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current capital中文是什么意思

用"current capital"造句"current capital"怎么读"current capital" in a sentence


  • 流动资本
  • 流动资金


  • Average occupied amount of current capital
  • It was lack of current capital that defeated their business
  • Borrowed current capital
  • Part 1 , containing chapter 1 - 2 , mainly introduces the current capital flow status of our country and lessons from thailand
  • The over - exaggerating time in advance is the basic reason of high storages of finished and inprocess products and high occupation of current capital
  • Aimed at the deficiencies of the queue principle of investment proposals in current capital budget , the paper puts forward some reformatory ideas base on enterprise development strategy
  • China will must / have to compare the cost and benefits of different exchange regime . because the current capital controls are almost effective , the swings of exchange rate regime will only impact on export and independence of monetary policy
  • The budget of the investment : the total investment capital is 20 million yuan rmb , the cost of the construction is 10 . 5 million yuan rmb , the cost for purchasing the equipment is 7 million yuan rmb the foundation current capital is 2 . 5 million yuan rmb
  • 3 . on the basis of the analysis of the relationship between nonseparation of the government from industries and the unitariness of investors , the pluralism of investors has been put forward to promote the separation of the government from joint - venture railways . the relationship between capital structure and corporation governing structure has also been expatiated , and the thesis tries to identify the problems on the joint - venture railways " corporation governing structure corresponding to current capital structure
  • The main financial strategy is how to choose the investment ways , to ensure financing channel and methods , to regulate the internal financial structures based on the whole developing strategy and the actual financial situation of the private enterprises and the fully understanding of the current capital markets . the purpose is to guarantee the needs for capital in the development of the enterprise and make the best use of capital
用"current capital"造句  


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